Showing posts with label Project Bounty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Project Bounty. Show all posts

Saturday 13 January 2018

FinTab - Upgrade Your Profit in Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is a technology for making digital currencies that use cryptography for security that makes it impossible to forge. The price value of cryptocurrency is largely determined by the buy and sell power of these technology users. Cryptocurrency or digital currency technology is currently very vibrant developed by various companies and team engineers in various parts of the world. The most expensive cryptocurrency is bitcoin and cyptocurrency apart from Bitcoin Altcoin acronym from Alternate Coin. For now Altcoin has been recorded more than 500 cryptocurrency. The development of Cryptocurrency also raises cryptocurrency exchanges which is where buy and sell. The basic value of pure cryptocurrency based on buy and sell power is not guaranteed by anything.

But to get the maximum profit in the cryptocurrency exchanges is not as easy as imagined. You must know and learn the profile / Portfolio of the company / group of developers. In addition you should also know the development of existing cryptocurrency exchanges. Currently there are many exchangess of cryptocurrency and are in great demand by investors, traders and funds. Many of his shares of cryptocurrency make there difference in the value of currencies in various cryptocurrency terms and it becomes difficult to quickly get an assessment of the current financial situation.

Solution of cryptocurrency portfolios accounting services 

If you invest long-term in 3-5 currencies it's not a big deal. You can use Excel or Google tables to show the profitability you will receive but it will be complicated when you add new currency and you will easily make mistakes. Until now there are several possible accounting services solutions

  • Cointracking
The most functional system but too complicated and incomprehensible interface: many different features half of which even traders and funds do not need.*
  • CryptoCompare
The most user-friendly service. It has an opportunity to create several portfolios; there is a common basic portfolio and currency analytics. The mobile application and broader functionality for traders could make the service more attractive. Now it reflects only personal use needs.*
  • Blockfolio
Currently the only one appropriate mobile application (although there are some bugs and lags). Very user-friendly but there is no PC version: it causes problems to enter many transactions and currencies. The analytics and the opportunity to create multiple portfolios are missing by the traders.*
The rate of the added currencies can be indicated in USD. No other features, the only one portfolio can be created. The system calculates the total of the portfolio and ROI for currencies and portfolio. The system is very simple. Google Tables or Excel could make this system more functional.*

But the solution has deficiencies that fall into three categories

  • It has many functions but the interface is not user-friendly.
  • User-friendly but lacks many functions.
  • Unfinished or unsupported beta versions.

These issues are driving the team to create services that can accommodate the shortcomings of existing services with FinTab.

FinTab - The Real Solution

FinTab is an analytical system based on financial services for cryptocurrency but the service will evolve not just for the accounting services of the cryptocurrency portfolio alone.

Additional system features

  • System of analytics and signals

We are already developing our database of transactions on exchanges, historical exchange rates. In addition, we want to develop a tracking algorithm for each coin which will be evaluated by a set of indicators. The result of the algorithm will be the signals and recommendations generation for working with a particular coin. In the future we are planning to implement an artificial intelligence (AI) system that will give recommendations, taking into account the activity and preferences of the user with a more likely prediction. This function will be very useful for clients who have limited time or have many activities so that no time to see and analyze the movement of shares cryptocurrency.
  • Advertising platform. 
Advertising placement and display will be in a decentralized form: an advertiser can buy advertising on the website for FinTab Tokens while each user can disable or enable the display of advertising. An advertiser account will be created where they can create advertisements and track their effectiveness. For viewing advertising the user receives tokens from advertisers. Or the advertising can be completely disabled. In this case we act not only as an advertising platform but also as a guarantor of high-quality advertising: we will make protection from “click fraud” and views cheating. This is a very promising feature for advertisers because it can see which fish are effective and which ones are ineffectively efficient and transparent.
  • P2P interaction. 
The Fintab system can act as a communication platform with a trader rating that is very useful for other users. The FinTab communication platform here is the interaction not only between users and users, but also between users themselves.

Portfolio accounting services comparison

Target Audience

  • Private investors – users, who buy cryptocurrencies for medium and long-term positions, who are not involved in active trade and mainly rely on the growth of the exchange rate. At the same time, the number of active crypto-investors grows every day but there is no optimal solution for them.

  • Traders – active users working both on short and long positions. They carry many operations; can have several active portfolios.
  • Investment management – traders, who take third-party finances under management and have several clients.
  • Funds – a separate category. It is distinguished by a large number of clients and a flow of operations.

According to our target audience we have 3 plans to offer :

Issue of FinTab Tokens

FinTab token (FNT and FNTB) is issued on blockchain based on the Ethereum code (ERC20 Token Standard). It will be available for purchase for BTC and ETH. The process of selling the tokens will be protected by the tokenholder's personal back office.

The role of FNT tokens

The FNT token is issued for The Token Sale and provides the following options:

  • The right to receive the FNTB token.
  • Access to the notification system in the service

The role of FNTB tokens

The FNTB token is a payment in the FinTab system and provides the following options:

  • Access to the notification system in the service (before the “Pro” account release).
  • Payment for “Pro” account in FinTab system.
  • Payment for “Manage” account in FinTab system.
  • Other services and features listed in the WhitePaper and implemented depending on the received funds on ICO FinTab.

Distribution of FNTB tokens will happen automatically: each FNT token owner will automatically receive the corresponding FNTB amount for the corresponding wallet. At the time of calculating the tokens, the rate will be 1: 1, that is, 1 FNT = 1 FNTB. The distribution of FNTB tokens will be made within 3 days after
the completion of the ICO FinTab.

After accruing FNTB tokens, FNT tokens will not be supported and used in FinTab system.

The burning of FNTB tokens

In FinTab system the burning of tokens that have entered the system as a service payment will be implemented:

  • When paying for the service 10% of FNTB tokens pass to FinTab team.
  • The remaining 90% of the tokens are burned.

When using FinTab as an advertising and P2P platform, tokens are not burned (since 90% of the tokens are given to users and the remaining 10% to FinTab team)

The Token Sale

The Token Sale and issue of FinTab tokens are intended to finance the development of the system and the implementation of blockchain technology, as well as raising funds for marketing and promotion purposes.

A total of 16.5* million FinTab tokens (FNT) will be issued:

  • 14 million FNT will be sold out in total during all the ICO stages for system development.
  • 1.5 million FNT reserved for the team and partners.
  • 1 million FNT reserved as a reward for helping the project (bounty).

Token distribution

Pre-ICO October 12 - 12 November 12, 2017

2 million FNT will be sold out during the pre-ICO stage.
Cost of 1 FNT = $ 0.1

  • Soft Cap $63,000 
  • Hard Cap $200,000

Actually sold tokens for ~ $78,363
The received funds will be used for the service development and promotion, mobile application,
marketing and FinTab wage fund.

ICO December 10, 2017 - January 14, 2018

12 million FNT will be sold out during the ICO stage.

  • 2.1. Pre-Sale (December 10-13)

Cost of 1 FNT = $ 0.25
Participation condition: the minimum purchase is $ 8,000

  • 2.2. The main stage of the ICO (December 14, 2017 - January 14, 2018).

Cost of 1 FNT = $ 0.4
The following system of bonuses will operate:

All unsold tokens will be destroyed.
Tokens are distributed to users' wallets immediately after purchase, without taking into
account network delay.

Distribution of funds, received on ICO

System development plan (Roadmap)

  • August 3 – September 17, 2017

Closed alpha-testing.
Manually adding and editing transactions (including the accounting of fees).
Creating the opportunity to have and work with the unlimited number of portfolios.
Portfolio information.
Purchased currency information - date, quantity and place of purchase
Exchange/wallet information - financial summary, type and quantity of currencies
Adding custom currencies and exchanges/wallets.
Profit/loss evaluation, dynamics of a certain portfolio or currency.
English translation.

  • September 18 – October 11, 2017

UX/UI design elaboration.
Mobile application development for Android.
Preparation for the pre-ICO.

  • October 12 – November 30, 2017

Pre-ICO (October 12 – November 12).
Release of the Android app.
Integration with exchanges via API.
Tokens accounting.
System of notifications.
Export of statistics.
Adding analytic tools.

  • December 10, 2017 – January 14, 2018

Closed stage of sales (December 10-13).
Mobile app development for iOS.
Carrying out of the ICO (December 14 – January 14).
Elaboration of the “Pro” accounts functionality.

  • January – February 2018

Monetization of the system.

  • March – April 2018

Elaboration of the “Manage” accounts functionality.
Development of our own API for currency exchange rates, ICO tokens and their
historical data.
Creation of the Technical Support service.

  • May – June 2018

System of analytics and signals.

  • June – August 2018

Elaboration of the advertising functionality.

  • September – October 2018

Traders’ rating and P2P interaction.

  • November 2018 – April 2019

AI system trading recommendations implementation.

Always Continuous improvement

FinTab Team 


For more information can see link below:
Website -
WhitePaper -
Bitcointalk -


BitcoinTalk Profile :;u=1566717
ETH Wallet : 0x8d05B599687942Ed4EC008a95EEAa9565B738924
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Wednesday 10 January 2018

Biometrids - Protect All Your Accounts From Theft Threats



Biometrids is an intelligent face recognition technology recognition platform using cameras like on smartphones or other cameras. With Biometrids all your accounts will be well protected because only you can log in to your account using your face identification. With biometrids technology is expected to reduce the case of identity theft cases that occur in the world.

Account Theft Case Ever Happened


On September 7, 2017, Equifax, one of the three largest credit agencies in the U.S., suffered data breaches that could affect 143 million consumer sensitive data. Stored sensitive data including Social Security number and driver's license number. This incident is one of the largest data theft cases ever. The offense was discovered by Equifax on July 29, 2017 and at that time. Other compromised data are said to include your full name, address, date of birth, credit card number, and other personal information.


Taringa is a social media website ala Reddit for Latin America. On September 4, 2017, this social networking site suffered a data breach incident that resulted in more than 28 million user data exposed. The data includes username, e-mail and password. Taringa uses hashed passwords, making Taringa users open to hackers.


Verizon encountered a data breach incident on July 13, 2017. This data theft case exposes 14 million customer data that can be misused by the offender. The stolen customer information is sufficient to access each person's Verizon account according to a security expert who is notified of the violation. With this information, account takeovers and phone hijacks may occur, which could result in hacking of social media accounts and email accounts.

Bank UniCredit, Italia

UniCredit, Italy's largest bank, has admitted that they suffered two data breaches in 2016 and the last of August 7, 2017. This data-theft case includes 400,000 subscribers as a whole. Affected customers are at high risk for phishing attacks by utilizing leaked data. Phishing can provide the entrance for criminals to take customers' funds.

Car Rentals

A data leak at the CarWise ICT software company occurred on August 7, 2017. It is estimated that at least this data theft case includes 100 thousand data. The leak was found in LeaseWise software, which was used by 52 Dutch car rental companies. These companies share databases, but are eventually accessible to others for leakage. Leaked data includes customer addresses, rental contracts and the number of kilometers traveled per car.

Identification and Solution

The theft that occurred above is possible because the verification of log identification is less efficient so that it can be hacked by the offender. Data theft as mentioned above will not happen with intelligent identity verification like biometrids. In addition, if the data theft has occurred then the cost incurred will be greater than the cost of treatment as usual.


Why use biometrids? Because everyone in the world has a unique set of biometrics and never the same between one person and the other and biometrids offer such identification on your fingerprint, your face, your eyes even your voice. In addition, bimetrids also offer privacy as only you can access your data and see who has access to your data. So the action of data theft as happened above will not happen. This can be applied to providers or users to safely protect your data.

How ot Works 

Biometrids use a very smart facial recognition technology almost like articfical intelligent. Although your face changes like there are stains on your face or hair that changes and wounds, but the contours of your face will remain the same. For example if the company or provider needs to identify your face then they can send a request for your biometrids wallet. The next request will appear on your screen and you can simply scan your face. We are building a platform that can be implemented by other blockchain projects. This could be a wallet, a bank, a company, a rent car, a real estate partner, and more. If wallet developers want to use this system, they just apply the API; After that, you can use your face to get into your wallet and you will be able to pay it directly.

We got the solution to solve the Identity problem on the blockchain. Today we face a common blockchain problem, with the identity. KYC, that they are forced to by the government. Therefore we need a decentralized identity, that can help solve this problem.

PRE-ICO 25 nov. 5,000,000 coins available
ICO 16 dec. 70,000,000 coins available.

Name of the token will be IDS. There will be a total of 100,000,000 IDS.

5% will be sold in pre-ICO.
5% will be for bounties and advisors.
70% will be sold doing the crowdsale.
10% will be for team.
10% will be for foundation.

Pre-ICO will run for one week and the price will be 910 IDS / 1eth. The crowdsale will run for four weeks and prices will be:

Week 1: 665 IDS / 1eth
Week 2: 550 IDS / 1eth
Week 3: 500 IDS / 1eth
Week 4: 450 IDS / 1eth

Pre-Ico and crowdsale will run until end date, or until all coins are sold. The 10% for team and the 10% for foundation will be locked up for three years. Every unsold coin during the ICO will be locked for five years. After five years, they will be sold back to early investors in a private fundraising campaign. They will not be sold on exchanges.
more information can see link below:


BitcoinTalk Profile :;u=1566717
ETH Wallet : 0x8d05B599687942Ed4EC008a95EEAa9565B738924
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Tuesday 9 January 2018

Great Innovation With Graphene Power, The Future in Nanotechnologies

Problems that occur in this day will bring up innovation technology that will facilitate or save even reduce existing environmental damage. One of the latest innovations in nanotechnology is the use of Graphene Power to simplify or reduce costs and even reduce the causes of environmental pollution due to inadequate technology.

What is Graphene

Graphene is a material made of carbon that is the fourth most abundant element in the universe. In addition graphene also has the thinest and strongest form found on Earth with a power one hundred fifty times stronger than steel. One square meter of graphene is thousand times lighter than a paper and more flexible than rubber. In addition graphene can power two hundred times more efficiently than silicon. Excess graphene is believed to replace existing materials in order to reduce the cost or efficiency.

Graphene was first isolated by Professors Konstantin Novoselov and Andrew Geim at Manchester University in 2004.  Since 2004, when researchers first isolated a single-atom-thick sheet of graphene from normal graphite — a feat that won them the Nobel Prize in physics in 2010 — some of the loftiest hopes of the technological world have been heaped on the shoulders of this“miracle material.”

Based on the atomic scale graphene is a two-dimensional matrix of carbon atoms arranged in hexagonal bonds like chicken wire. If you have and grab the graphene in your hand then graphene will be perfectly flat and ninety seven percent will look transparent. This unique physique with many advantages possessed by graphene has become one of the most sought after material in the market. This led to the prediction that graphene can replace silicon as the backbone and circuit on all electronics such as computer phones and even computers on the server. If that happens then there has been a big jump in the technology world. In addition graphene can replace the lithium ion battery technology with a very wide range such as charging mobile phone batteries, laptops and electric motors in minutes or even seconds.

Graphene Utilization

Graphene has been exploited in various technologies. As already running on the battery manufacturing process. Graphene batteries contain fewer chemicals, are more durable and are well suited for storing high energy capacity. Energy storage in graphene batteries has longer lifetimes than graphene-free ones. Growth in global graphene market is driven by accelerating global sales in electric cars and other electronic devices. North America and APAC region will drive the global market of graphene batteries over the forecasted period.

By Industry:

  • Electronics
  • Aerospace and Defense
  • Healthcare
  • Automotive
  • Energy and Power
  • Others

For example the use of graphene that is amazing is applied to objects we use every day. The following list will touch on thirteen different ways that graphene will revolutionize existing products.

Unbreakable Smartphones

Smartphones is the most common thing we use. Surely sometimes damage occurs like the outbreak of the iPhone glass screen or a wound on the iPhone body that makes it look ugly and not good. You must be willing to spend money for repairs and more. But in the future it will be memorable because the touchscreens will move from glass to plastic which will make them effectively unbreakable. Graphene will revolutionize the smartphone industry and you will never have to replace your screen again. It is an efficient utilization of touchscreen materials and cost savings on your iPhone's maintenance. The most amazing thing can be done with graphene.

Fast Charge Batteries

Charging the battery quickly is a desirable thing for smartphone users as it can shorten the time and make the smartphone can be used longer than the biasaya. Fast battery charging is now just a matter of time because since researchers at UCLA have found a way to make graphene batteries that do just that; charge in a matter of seconds.

Computing Chips

Another amazing thing done by graphene is the use of graphene by IBM companies in 2014. This is done by IBM because graphene makes a chip 10000 times faster than normal chips. Although not a digital chip but graphene is potential to be developed with a more efficient cost.

Solar Power

The next graphene utilization is carried out by Yun Hang Hu, a professor of Materials Science and Engineering at Michigan Technological University. He developed a three-dimensional version that has the potential to replace platinum in solar panels. Known solar panels made from platinum is very expensive. Costly platinum will increase production costs. With research done by professor Yun Hang Hu graphene can be used to replace platinum with cheaper cost. That way the cost of solar panel production will decrease and more efficiently.

Electric Car Revolution

Graphene can be utilized as a membrane in electric motor battery cells · Graphene-based membranes can improve fuel efficiency of hydrogen-generating cells, making their electric cars a more viable, environmentally-friendly solution. A major problem in proton membranes that do not use graphene is the amount of fuel leaking. With graphene-based membranes it can be overcome.

Who are interested in our technologies 

Decentralized platform «Nano International Sales»

Nano International Sales — is a world platform of the new generation. it's being developed by specialists of Graphene Power.

By exploitation this platform we'll be in a position similarly because the developers of recent technologies to:

  1. gift own technologies within the whole world
  2. Sale own technologies
  3. Sale product on basis of own technologies
  4. Conduct associate auction
  5. Attract investors
  6. Attract partners

Blockchain technology can enable the platform to serve the sellers and customers round the world with full security.

Ethereum, Bitcoin, USD, EUR similarly as GRP are going to be used as payment unit. the interior transactions of platform «Nano International Sales» are going to be applied on basis of GRP tokens.

In the future the quotation of GRP token within the platform are going to be rising in value betting on the quantity of users and deals. it'll be potential to transfer GRP token out of platform and convert it into such currency as Ethereum, Bitcoin, USD, EUR. Launching the platform in 2018.


AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 2017 Market and technical analysis.
SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2017Negotiating with suppliers of kit and materials.
NOVEMBER 2017 Implementation of the Whitepaper, the launch of the location.
DECEMBER 2017 Presale.
DECEMBER 2017 Legal structure, selling campaign.
DECEMBER 2017 Transfer of a token to investors (Presale).

Q1 2018 begin ICO.
Q1 2018 Transfer of a token to investors (Crowdsale).
Q2 2018 shopping for buildings. Reconstruction.
Q3 2018 Purchase of materials and instrumentation.
Q4 2018 accomplishment and technology coaching.
Q4 2018 Launching platform «Nano International Sales».
2018–2019 manufacturing plant gap.

GRP token

Stages of a project

  • ICO
  • Reconstruction
  • Production
  • redemption of tokens or the conversion into the corporation’s shares

Tokens of the project:

They are created on the platform “Ethereum blockchain” exploitation
ERC20 standards.
Abbreviation: GRP
Emission: five hundred,000,000 (five hundred million coins )
Regulated: affirmative. All unsold tokens are going to be destroyed.
Payment specifications: The GRP is bought with ETH

GRP rate:

Pre-sale: 6000 GRP = one ETH
1 week ICO: 4000 GRP = one ETH
2 week ICO: 3750 GRP = one ETH
3 week ICO: three500 GRP = one ETH
4 week ICO: 3250 GRP = one ETH
5 week ICO: 3000 GRP = one ETH
Release: 2000 GRP = one ETH


GRP are going to be blocked till the ICO ends. The tokens are going to be superimposed to the stocks throughout initial weeks once ICO’s ending .

Purposes of sale:

Funds raised throughout the tokens’ sale are going to be used just for the event and for the advantage of Graphene Power and its development.


Pre-sale 6% — 30,000,000 GRP
ICO 80% — 400,000,000 GRP
Advisers, Consultants 3% — 15,000,000 GRP
Bounty 3% — 15,000,000 GRP
Founders 8% — 40,000,000 GRP


ETH Wallet : 0x8d05B599687942Ed4EC008a95EEAa9565B738924

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