Tuesday 23 January 2018

Create a Real Product With LiveEdu

A real product is a form of thought, idea or idea that is channeled into real life. The real product can be found in various forms such as the development of an online platform. Ideas, ideas and thoughts usually come from students and professionals who have passion in their respective fields. They have a dream to build a real product that is useful to others. But not many achieve this goal. There are many factors that can be put forward when a student or professional fails to build a real product but usually they lack the real skills needed to build products from their respective fields such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, game development, data science, crypto, programming, design, or improvement and virtual reality.

The many introductory course topics from various fields can be submitted online. And most students are very easy to complete the course introduction course. For example like Udemy and Lynda who provide various introductory topic courses online. But they do not teach learners how to build a real product from start to finish or until the real product can have a concept or a red thread. By teaching so many learners give up after studying the basic material or topic introductory material. There is hardly any platform out there that teaches learners how to build a real product. This is a problem solved by LiveEdu.



LiveEdu focuses on learners who already have basic knowledge of a topic, LiveEdu uses a practical project to teach learners how to build real products from scratch and we give them project files for download and trial. LiveEdu does not create the content itself, but provides a monetization network for creators to teach the project. With LiveEdu learners are able to: 
  • Watch and learn how to build a complete product.
  • Watch sessions live or as archived video.
  • Download videos and project files to practice with.
  • Get instant answers on questions in interactive live chat.
  • Be in a supportive peer-to-peer knowledge-sharing community.
  • Improve their job market skills and make more money in their career.

LiveEdu is a decentralized peer-to-peer learning platform for people to improve their work skills in future technologies. LiveEdu is building YouTube for online education and professional development. We took one category from YouTube and built it into a larger category. Just as Twitch takes the game category from YouTube and builds it into its own big vertical, LiveEdu takes the professional development category from YouTube.


There are two Networks in the LiveEdu Ecosystem that are the first internal ecosystems comprising project creators (creators), viewers (learners), community moderators, project quality moderators, and API application developers. And the second is the external ecosystem consisting of businesses, schools, libraries, colleges and other professional development companies. In addition there are two main project types in LiveEdu, which are premium and non-premium projects. LiveEdu focuses on premium projects that are educational, narrative, well structured and created for the sake of teaching alone. In addition premium projects will also be given tokens.

There are two types of corporate blockchain, protocol and enterprise blockchain applications. LiveEdu is like 99% of companies running ICO, a blockbain app company. We are building our blockchain smart contracting technology on top of existing blockchain, Ethereum, using tokenization ERC20 mechanics. LiveEdu uses a blockchain-like smart contract mechanism similar to Steemit. We use EDU smart blocker contracts on our network for payment and rewards. In about three years, we will launch our own protocol once we build our external ecosystem.

LiveEdu Product Features

https://tokensale.liveedu.tv/LiveEdu products are Livestreams, Videos, Chat, Downloadable Files and Complete Project Description. But LiveEdu focuses more on the main products of Livestreams, Videos and Chat. Each project contains a live streaming channel, a video project playlist and a live chat window. Each live stream is automatically archived as a video. LiveEdu gives content creators the ability to deliver their projects via live stream or offline recording. Interactive live chat is a key mode of Q & A communication between creators and viewers. Learners ask questions, give suggestions for improvement and also socialize with other students. When a student opens a live stream he can see live channels, chat windows, project description, curriculum and download source. Live Streams can be scheduled in advance or not scheduled and delivered in real time. The schedule contains all previously announced live streams. In order not to miss out on live streaming, learners can subscribe to the content creator and be notified when the stream is live. Live streaming and video can be viewed in HTML5 or flash and delivered in three quality formats 480p, 720p and 1080p. 

LiveEdu, ​(EDU​​ Token​​ Model)


Each positive activity a learner, content creator, site moderator or ecosystem participant completes on LiveEdu represents the mining of EDU tokens. EDU tokens are going to be fully integrated into all core modules and transactions on LiveEdu; a payment method for all financial transactions; rewarding premium project tutorial creators, positive learner behavior, site moderators, and API ecosystem developers. When the EDU tokens are fully rolled out and integrated into LiveEdu, this is how they will be used on ​​our ​​website​​ and ​​in​​mobile ​​apps:


EDU​​ Tokens

The minimum buy in for an EDU token is equivalent to 0.01 ETH. The token is denominated​​in​​US$:
  • 1​​USD​​=​​10​​EDU​​tokens
  • 1​​ETH​​=​​$ETH​​value​​*​​10
  • 1​BTC​​=​​$​BTC​value​​*​​10​
  • 1​LTC​​=​​$​LTC​value​​*​​10​
  • 1​​EUR​​=​​$EUR​​value​​*​​10


The ​​company​​ is ​​pre-selling​​ EDU ​​tokens​​ prior ​​to ​​the ​​public ​​sale​​ at​​ a​​ discount ​​on ​​a wholesale​ basis ​​for ​​large ​​volume​​ purchases:

≥= $10,000 USD + receives a 30% bonus

<​$​30,000​USD​​+​​receives​​ a ​​25%​​bonus​

>​$​50,000​USD​​+​​receives​​ a​​ 30%​​bonus​

>​$​100,000​USD​​+​​receives​​ a​​ 40%​​bonus​

Bonuses​ are​​ assigned​​ only​​ once ​​per ​​individual​​ or​​ entity​​ even ​​for​​ multiple​​purchases.​You​ can place ​​your​​ pre​-order​ by​​ following ​​the ​​‘Buy​​Tokens” ​​guide ​​on ​​the ​​site​ “Tokensale.liveedu.tv”​ or​​ by ​​emailing​​ us​​ at​​”​tokens@liveedu.tv​”​​or​​an​​ authorized​ affiliate. The hard cap for the pre-sale is set at $500,000 in ETH contributions.

For more information about LiveEdu, you can visit links below :


Author :

Username Bitcointalk : Arifandi

ETH Address : 0x8d05B599687942Ed4EC008a95EEAa9565B738924