Sunday 28 January 2018

The Abyss - Get Paid For Playing Games

Video game games from the past until now is never empty for enthusiasts. Starting from the tetris only black and white box box then compiled hiingga in the present many kinds of video games that attract attention such as online games and konsole. In the present video games can be played in a variety of tools such as personal computers, video game consoles, cell phones, tablets or even watches, video games can be accessed anytime. Maybe at first this video game is just a form of entertainment to spend time but for now video games become definitive leader. There are so many different types of video games that can be played for today. However, only a few are the leading and dominant in the video game market. To become dominant in the video game market is a challenge that game developers must face. By creating video game products that attract and entertain the users of the video game products will be selling in the market. In addition to creating a product that is interesting there is also a way to win the competition is to put an ad. But the budget for advertising is not a little even exceed the budgeted budget plan.

Nowadays there has been a blockchain technology with features such as smart-contract and etc. This technology is expected to be adopted in video games today. One of the video game platforms that have adopted blockchain technology is Abyss. The Abyss digital distribution platform offers a variety of advantages for users and developers. For more details let's get more material.

The Abyss

Abyss is the latest generation digital distribution platform with strong accents on the F2P browser and client MMO games, as well as cryptogames. The platform offers a motivational and multilevel referral system, which allows players to earn revenue from game and social activities and also from other gamers' payments. In addition to the developers will get a reduction in marketing costs and earn revenue from their referrals gamers. Abyss platforms use standard ERC20 interaction mechanisms on the Ethereum blockchain. The Abyss platform has the characteristics to increase user revenue from one of its referrals. This program is called a multilevel reference program where users brought by developers provide revenue developers (paid in token Abyss) of all payments and achievements in other games on the platform. In addition players or users also benefit from an analog referral system built on a viral base where players receive revenue (paid in token Abyss) to bring their friends and payments.

Benefit Abyss

For Gamers 
  • Personal five-level referral program
  • Earnings from personal and joint achievements
  • Monetization of content created
  • Earning extra income at in-game auction
  • Syndication to earn from joint activities
  • Tokens withdrawn to personal Ethereum-wallet

For Developers 
  • Personal five-level referral program
  • Target and content-generating audience at the start of the project
  • Access to specialized game statistics
  • Multilingual 24/7 customer support service
  • Convenient traffic rotation mechanism in every game on the platform
  • Simple techniques to get internal and external traffic

How Abyss Works 

The Abyss is a comprehensive ecosystem , consisting of mutually-referenced elements.

ABYSS Tokens

ABYSS tokens are a priority internal mechanism for interaction on The Abyss platform. Earnings from referral and motivational programs are paid in ABYSS tokens. The majority of internal services rely on ABYSS tokens only
  • Acces 
Motivational and Referral programs, Auction, Internal CPA Network and Syndicates rely on ABYSS tokens only
  • Discount 
Unlike fiat payments, when paying for game purchases with ABYSS tokens, users are granted a discount
  • Burning 
1/3 of the platform’s commission from the internal CPA network and the auction transactions will be burnt by smart contract

Token Abyss Sale Details 

The limited number of ABYSS tokens will be distributed to the public in exchange for Bitcoin or Ethereum.

• Token name: ABYSS;
• Price: 1 ETH is equal 2500 ABYSS. We accept ETH and BTC;
• The volume of tokens in circulation: depends on the amount of funds raised during the Token Sale (Pre-Sale and Sale);
• Pre-Sale: December 18, 2017 (15:00 UTC) — December 31, 2017 (23:59 UTC). Minimum contribution is 1 ETH;
• Pre-Sale Cap: 10,000 ETH. When reaching this amount, Pre-Sale stops;
• Sale: January 9, 2018 (15:00 UTC) — February 15, 2018 (23:59 UTC). Minimum contribution is 0.1 ETH;
• Soft Cap: 5,000 ETH. If this goal is not met, all funds will be returned;
• Hard Cap: 100,000 ETH. When reaching this amount, Token Sale stops;


Q3 2008
  • Foundation of Destiny.Games (video game company)
Q3 2016
  • The idea of a state-of-the-art game portal creation
Q2-Q3 2017
  • Testing the opportunity of blockchain technology integration into the new concept
Q4 2017
  • Presenting the concept of The Abyss – a new generation digital distribution platform
Q1 2018
  • Conducting the Token Sale
  • Commencing The Abyss platform development
Q2-Q3 2018
  • Active phase of platform development
  • Legal and financial preparation for the launch of the project
  • Partnership agreements with game projects
Q4 2018
  • The first version of the platform with the startup game package
  • API for project integration
  • Unified bi-currency billing
  • Unified system of authorization
  • The first integration of multilevel referral programs
Q1-Q4 2019
  • Active development of the platform:
  • Expansion in the number of connected projects;
  • Introducing the personalization and socialization systems;
  • Introducing the detailed reporting system;
  • Introducing the internal CPA Network.
Q1-Q4 2020
  • The expansion of platform functionality:
  • Motivational programs;
  • The ability of content generation and evaluation;
  • Auction;
  • Syndicates;
  • Joint game achievements.
  • Crowdfunding platform
  • Further extension of the platform



For more information about Abyss, you can visit links below :



Username Bitcointalk : Arifandi

ETH Address : 0x8d05B599687942Ed4EC008a95EEAa9565B738924