Showing posts with label ATF Token. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ATF Token. Show all posts

Sunday 28 January 2018

AlgoTradingFUN - Stabilize Your Profits in the Crypto Market

The development of cryptocurrency world is very fast. After the emergence of bitcoin worldwide there appear several other coin (or often called alternative coin) like Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin and many more. These developments have an effect on cryptocurrency markets or cryptocurrency exchange. Where everyone competes to gain profit from the cryptocurrency market. Yet many of them suffer from small to large losses. Losses are generally due to the factors of trading users who are trading impatiently, easily carried away emotions, trading without planning and do not know the signal of selling or buying. To avoid this it is advisable to use the robot to do the signal sell or buy by using AlgoTradingFUN.

About AlgoTradingFUN

AlgoTradingFUN is an algorithmic trading platform using robots that was created to exclude the effects of negative human nature on decision-making processes, capital management, application execution. The robot will serve you as you employ thousands of brokers on the market cryptocurrency. Our robots learn the know how of trading algorithms to get a stable profit. In addition robots are created with artificial neural networks to improve the effectiveness of trading robots, explore the impact of quantum algorithms and calculations on capital management processes. Taking into account the development of blockchain technology, we direct all our resources to transfer the platform to blockchain technology and implement a unique service for clients aimed at achieving higher levels of transaction transparency for clients, operating security, reliability of all client transactions. and trading results, client's capital security.

Working Principles of AlgoTradingFUN Robot

This robot is designed to optimize and stabilize customer profit. The profit generating process for clients using our services works from two stages:

1. Receiving data from client in process of choosing service:
  • The customer risk profile - allows clients to choose how risky the robot should trade.
  • Period of investment - the client must show for what period he plans to connect the robot. This period affects the frequency and choice of instruments for trading.
  • The amount of capital - depending on the size of the client's capital, the adaptation of the robot setting to the number of instruments, the size of the position, the trading style of the robot, the principle of money management and risk.
  • Advantages expected by clients - affect the level of portfolio withdrawal and robots.
2. Adaptation to selected customer parameters:
  • Trading time interval (5 minutes - 1 month) - The robot determines how often to enter a position, so that it meets the settings selected by the customer.
  • The direction of trading - depending on tool trends, robots can buy, sell, or do transactions inside the channel.
  • The size of the position is determined depending on the size of the appetite for risk, the amount of capital.
  • Tools for trading - depending on the appetite for risk, it is possible to choose highly volatile or less volatile instruments.
  • Volume - how much happens during the trading robot is analyzed to understand the sharp imbalance in this tool.
  • Capital control - so that in the long run robots we can generate profits, it is important to preserve and multiply the benefits that clients have received from using robots. To do this, it is important to have a transparent money management system.
  • Robot trading style - every robot, like every tool has its own trading style. Depending on your trading style, you can customize the robot template for clients.
  • Control risk - risk per position, for a day, for a week, etc., allows you to save and increase client's capital even after repeated losses in a row.

By using the AlgoTradingFUN robot you can get services like the following

  • Trading with robots will be performed in the blockchain network, where transactions in the trading process can not be changed historically.

Reliability Of The Trading Process 
  • ​Robots are devoid of emotions, they do not need to sleep. They clearly perform the task of earning you profit, monitoring the risks in the trading process strictly.

24/7 ​Capital Availability 
  • Robots can be connected to your account 24/7. Simple and convenient mobile application will allow you to manage your account even in the absence of the Internet

​Creating Your Own Business with ATF 
  • The services will be available such as signals from robots to enter the position, forecast of the tool movement, automatic following, robot portfolio manager, mobile application for partners and your clients.

Easy to Connect Services  
  • Customers need to make 4 easy steps for connect to our robots

​Exchange with Lowest Comission 
  • In 2018, our team will create its own crypto-active exchange, which will allow liquidity-creating participants to trade with commission of 0.001%, deposit and withdraw funds with commission of 0.001%.

Neural Networks 
  • Connecting of algorithms built on neural networks in 2018 will increase the yield on all portfolios, keeping the same level of risk.

Stable Profit Growth  
  • The stability of the profit growth curve is provided by diversification of the used robots in different parameters.

​Insurance for Your Capital 
  • You can connect the opportunity to insure your capital and the capital of your clients. Insurance of financial risks will allow you to get reliable protection.

These services can be obtained if you purchase an ATF token at

ATF Token 

Pre-ITO performing period
  • 12/24/2017 to 2/8/2018.

ITO period will be announced additionally following the pre-ITO results.

Purchase parameters for ATF tokens
  • At pre-ITO 1 ETH = 400 ATF tokens.
  • At ITO 1 ETH = 320 ATF tokens.

When you purchase tokens in the amount of 10 ETH the following additional discount from the purchase volume applies to the price effective at the date of token purchase:
  • When you purchase 10 to 20 ETH the discount will be 4%.
  • When you purchase 20 to 100 ETH the discount will be 8%.
  • When you purchase 100 to 400 ETH the discount will be 16%.
  • When you purchase more then 400 ETH the discount will be 32%.

Once you purchase an ATF token, you can earn a profit in the following way
  1. You choose the service you want to use.
  2. You purchase an ATF token to provide access to the service.
  3. We connect you with the service, after doing all the steps carefully.
  4. Once the service is activated, the appropriate robot will start working.
  5. You will see your service and earnings results in your personal profile at the end of the week or month.
  6. If you want to withdraw your earnings will withdraw funds (if you are connected to our account) or receive revenue from our robot service in your personal account.
  7. At the end of the service period, some ATF tokens are released to ensure ATF level growth.
  8. Our clients will be able to receive a discount for the ATF token on our network of websites and partners.
  9. If there is no ATF token when upgrading your account, you will purchase an ATF token to continue using services on our site or on the stock exchange.

AlgoTradingFUN Ecosystems

In creating the AlgoTradingFUN project, the following principles are applied in ecosystem development. In 2018, we will transfer the ATF platform to blockchain technology. Because we believe that all of our service transactions, from client registration in our ecosystem to the process of filling and removing tokens based on our service results, must be transparent to our clients. For that we use our network blockchain. Under our plan, we will change base services in the second quarter of the 3rd quarter of 2018. And the whole set of processes for client work with the solutions and technologies we want to finish in the 4th quarter.



For more information about AlgoTradingFUN, you can visit links below :



Username Bitcointalk : Arifandi

ETH Address : 0x8d05B599687942Ed4EC008a95EEAa9565B738924

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