Showing posts with label Crowd Machine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crowd Machine. Show all posts

Friday 26 January 2018

Crowd Machine - A Future Blockchain Apps

The development of the world of application developers is very rapid. There are so many successful app developers out there. But many developers who have difficulty in developing its applications. The difficulties range from the search for ideas for the application, the coding stage and the selection of hosting for the application. In addition there is also a cloud hosting or cloud services offered but centralized with various limitations that will result in limited growth in the market. With the centralized nature of the race being lost, thus creating enough space for interference through the use of innovative technologies such as blockchain. Decentralized cloud computing will lead to lower costs and faster transactions on the network creating an efficient value chain. The difficulty is experienced by beginner developers who have limited knowledge of coding to professional developers. To get through the difficulties of the present difficulties Crowd Machine is now present which will facilitate developers in developing their application using decentralized blockchain.

As a general description of Crowd Machine can solve the problem as follows
  • Decentralized networks are too slow to run complex, decentralized applications. Crowd Machine runs quickly and runs any decentralized application.
  • Writing decentralized applications and smart contracts is very difficult for a developer beginner. Crowd Machine makes it easy, even if you are not a developer.
  • Deploying decentralized apps makes developers bored. With Crowd Machine the developer only performs a one-click process.
  • Currently the hosting applications are varied but tend to be expensive. With Crowd Machine developers can get cheap ones.
  • Decentralized applications and smart contracts are limited to what they can do. Crowd Machine break the limitations.
  • Decentralized apps are locked into a specific blockchain. Crowd Machine is blockchain agnostic.
  • There is no market for decentralized applications. Crowd Machine has a decentralized application platform for developers to sell their applications.

For more details let us discuss about the Crowd Machine 

Crowd Machine

Crowd Machine is a major revolution in a comprehensive and integrated application sector for decentralized application development through blockchain. Crowd Machine Platform offers Crowd Computer that uses the processing capabilities of every computer through the Crowd Virtual Machine on a peer-to-peer network. In addition Crowd Machine creates decentralized clouds that leverage the processing capabilities of millions of devices around the world. This is the biggest innovative step that will disrupt the two biggest markets on the internet, cloud-based services and the software industry.

Why We Need Crowd Machine 

Crowd Machine Delivers Skilled Application Developer

A report says nearly 4.5 million developers grew from 2009-2014. This indicates insufficient skilled resources to support the creation of applications by retaining long-standing inheritance techniques. It is therefore evident to grow skilled labor to deliver products and services that match the high speed set by the blockchain and cryptocurrency fields.

Crowd Machine comes with one of its products is Crowd Machine App Studio. Crowd Machine App Studio (Crowd App Studio) can make applications significantly faster and cheaper to build traditional applications and blockchain for those who understand logic and rule based processes. Furthermore, on boarding and coaching coding and non such coders can occur quickly and in turn cause an explosion to new and exciting applications.

Crowd Machine Brings New Technology - Decentralized Cloud Computing

The world needs a new methodology to make decentralized applications at speed to meet demand. To support the application, efficient warfare is needed to access and utilize distributed computing power.

Crowd Machine Solving Processing and Programming Problems

Crowd Machine makes use of demand and underutilization with decentralized application solutions. This creates Crowd Computer, a powerful peer-to-peer computing network that leverages the capacity of global devices to power blockchain and decentralized application execution. Device owners are paid for allowing their device to be part of the app execution network. So it can meet the needs of software applications that will lack the achievement of application needs.

With Crowd App Studio a codeless application development technology enables a person without codebase to make decentralized apps quickly at speeds up to 45x faster than traditional methods. and share the app through the Crowd Share repository. Crowd Share is a storage similar to GItHUb that includes developer methods to monetize their work. The Crowd Machine approach provides incentives to encourage the participation of a large number of contributors ('Crowd Machine Community')


ICO Crowd Machine provides an opportunity for investors who want to support the Crowd Machine project by selling the Crowd Machine token as an official token. To develop and improve the concept of the decentralised app market, they are conducting an ICO offer which will start in February 2018, and continue until March 2018. They have presented a future roadmap for their project which mentions about a Global Education Program for the app developers. Their unique concept is bound to disrupt the traditional centralised cloud infrastructure model.



  • Craig Sproule - Founder & CEO
Experienced CEO and systems engineer. Responsible for product management, financial management and overseeing marketing and strategic technical programs as well as other daily business functions.
  • Kurt Pfluger - CSO
4-time founder and CEO with breakthrough technology companies. Responsible for Crowd Machine strategic partnerships, the Crowd Federation and community development.
  • Ben Gorlick - CTO
Product Architect, Bitcoin & Blockchain expert, co-Founder of PeerNova focused on mining and blockchain financial applications. Responsible for Crowd Computer architecture and development.
  • Anthony Barbarino - Customer Success Manager
Focused on enterprise customer success and technology adoption of the Crowd Machine product. Works closely with product management to provide guidance on feature requirements.
  • Gavin Glynn - Developer
Back end software engineer focused on development of the natural language expression analyzer and execution engine as well as the security layers of the Crowd Virtual Machine and Crowd Computer.
  • Michael Graham - Developer
Full stack software engineer. Focused on integration services, event management and exception management in the Crowd App Studio and Crowd Virtual Machine.
  • Jacob Dekker - Developer
Full stack software engineer responsible for implementation of the Crowd App Studio and Crowd Share UX.
  • Jeremiah Chung - Developer
Full stack software engineer responsible for the release management component of the Crowd App Studio and Crowd Virtual Machine. Also works with customers on Crowd Machine best practice approaches and general guidance.
  • Matt Carter - Developer
Full stack software engineer focused on algorithm development, performance optimization and data management in the Crowd Virtual Machine and Crowd Computer.
  • Malcolm Pinkerton - Developer
Experienced Crowd Machine App developer. Responsible for assisting customers with Crowd Machine app creation and acts as liaison between customer engagements and product management.
  • Young Kim - UI/UX Designer
10+ years’ experience in UI/UX design. Responsible for designing and overseeing all aspects of the Crowd Machine UX.


  • James Duchene - Legal and Token Structure
Co-founder of Sutton Stone. Mauritius Hon. Representative in the USA for blockchain-based ventures; Boost VC Alumni; Legal Practitioner of the High Court of Australia.
  • Camden Dore – Token Economics
Senior Associate of Sutton Stone specializing in economic advisory, financial modeling and application of praxeological methodology to crypto-economic systems.
  • Katie Olver – Press & Communications
Seasoned B2B tech communications professional with brands such as Microsoft & Samsung before specializing in blockchain technology spearheading campaigns for BitPay, ShapeShift, Blockchain, Gem Health and Power Ledger.
  • Johnny Dilley 
Johnny is a systems architect who prioritizes resilience under adversarial conditions, and solves problems where others have given up. He has spent his career working on some of the most difficult challenges facing humanity. He was employee #1 @Blockstream, has numerous Bitcoin Core commits, and is one of the primary authors of the Strong Federations paper.
  • Hartej Sawhney
Co-Founder and President for Hosho. A leader in the Fintech and Blockchain industry for 5+ years. Advisor to Pink Sky Capital,, and Formerly Co-Founder and CEO of Zuldi. Frequent speaker at Blockchain and Fintech events.

For more information about Crowd Machine, you can visit links below :


Author : Christoper

Username Bitcointalk : Arifandi

ETH Address : 0x8d05B599687942Ed4EC008a95EEAa9565B738924

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