Showing posts with label Inserviss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inserviss. Show all posts

Monday 26 February 2018

Inserviss - Marketplace Platform With Zero Commission Payments

Market or market is a meeting place buyer with seller to do economic transaction that is to sell or buy an goods and services or economic resources and various other factors of production. In general, the notion of the market does not point to a particular location or place, this is because the market has no geographic boundaries. In economics, the definition of the market is as the amount of demand and supply on the type of certain goods or services. Understanding the market is a demand as well as supply as a whole for services and certain goods. The definition of the market refers more to all activities of supply and demand including capital, securities, labor, and money and services.

In principle, economic activity that occurs in the market is based on the freedom of competition, whether for buyers or sellers. The seller has the freedom to decide what goods or services should be produced and to be distributed. As for buyers or consumers have the freedom to buy and choose goods and services or services in accordance with the level of purchasing power.

Market Classification

Traditional market

Traditional market is a market where the place is a meeting of sellers and buyers and there are direct sale and purchase transactions as well as in general the process of bargaining. Buildings from traditional markets are usually stalls, stalls or outlets, and open bases opened by sellers or from market managers.

Modern market

Basically, the modern market is not much different from the traditional market, but the modern market there are sellers and buyers who do not transact directly but consumers or buyers see the price tag contained in the goods, are in the building and the service is done independently or self-service and can also served by clerk.

Types of Markets According to the Form of Activities

Real Market

The real market is a market where there are various types of goods traded and can be bought by the buyer. Examples of real markets are supermarkets and traditional markets.

Market Abstract

Abstract market is a market where there are traders who do not bid on various types of goods sold and do not buy directly, but only using merchandise only. Examples of abstract markets are Ecommerce (online and marketplace markets), capital markets, foreign exchange markets, and the stock market.

The development of the technology world has now left the market classification and the type of market. For the present time many people prefer to meet the needs through smartphones. Now there are many online shopping, E commerce and Marketplace. But the marketplace has disadvantages like Open Rivalry between Sellers, Ads From Other Sellers Often Signed In, Unsecured Website Sustainability, Unlimited Search Feature On Our Products Only. Marketplace platforms are now taking advantage of secure, transparent and secure blockchain technology for customers and service providers, Inserviss.


Inserviss adalah sebuah mobile marketplace that connect service providers and customers It allows service providers to join, publish their services offers, carry out promotion and loyalty campaigns, and get feedback from consumers. For consumers it enables to order those services and booking the time when they want to make it.

All payments between them making by revolutionary blockchain technology with own verified cryptocurrency Setcoin.

Blockchain is a new technology that allow to create new business model for marketplaces. Platform don't needed to take commissions for payments between Service Providers and Customers and still derive value from growth demand for cryptocurrency/token that is issued by platform for transactions.

Benefits For Providers

  • Getting started easily
  • Saving on advertising
  • Be able to use Inserviss CRM to manage orders
  • Track summary gross/net revenue & profit
  • Generate new orders and get more net profit
  • Instant receiving payments from customers
  • Ability to focus on main work and increasing quality of services

Benefits For Marketplace 

  • Growth demand for Setcoin cryptocurrency
  • Reducing cost of service providers and customers acquisition
  • Growing eco-system as more third-parties partners starting to accept Setcoins as a payments
  • Increasing quantity services that one customer acquire at several service providers in different industries and niches
  • Increasing monthly budget that customers spend in platform

Benefits For Customers

  • Reducing time for service providers search
  • Finding cheaper more individual service
  • Finding services at peak times (events, holidays, weekends)
  • Booking & Buying in one click
  • Notifications for booked services
  • Have one marketplace for all high repeatable monthly services
  • All services promotions, loyalty campaigns in one place
  • Convenient payments with Setcoins as digital asset

Setcoin Tokenomics 

​Payment​ methods:​  BTC,​ ​ ETH,​ ​ LTC, USD,​ ​ EUR


Total Setcoin Pre-Sale: 50M

1 BTC = 100 000 SET
1 ETH = 10000 SET
1 LTC = 1500 SET
1 EUR = 12 SET
1 USD = 10 SET

All Setcoins are available now on Waves DEX

For $100 000+ orders we have additional bonuses, please contact your regional manager or

Available Setcoin Pre-SALE & SALE: 350M
Total​ issued Setcoin​ :​ 1​Billion


Start​ date:​  March 1 , 2018 
Total Setcoin sale supply: 300M


2017 Q3

  • Inserviss Concept Created
  • Concept Creating Inserviss
  • Inserviss Sketching 
  • Analizing Target Market For Inserviss Platfrom
  • Testing Idea On Target Market
  • Finding Traditional Venture Capital Partners
  • Analizing Blockchain Technology And Potential Integration Into Inserviss Platform
  • Decission Making To Take Blockchain As Business Model For Inserviss 

2017 Q4

  • Setcoin Sale Preparing
  • Analising Token Sale Market
  • Preparing For Token Generation Event
  • Creating Token Sale Website
  • Creating Whitepaper, One Pager, Guide
  • Issuing Setcoin Token
  • Signing Agreement With Advisors
  • Preparing Community Channels 
  • Preparing Social Media

2018 Q1

  • Token Sale | Legal | Development
  • Preparing Setcoin Sale Documents
  • Roadshow
  • Setcoin Community Creation
  • Creating Global Tech Team
  • Starting Development Setcoin Blockchain
  • Starting Development Mobile Mvp
  • Incorporation Inserviss.Inc (Us) & Setcoin.Ltd (Singapore)
  • Relocation & Global Offices

2018 Q2

  • Agreements | Marketing | 5-Yearth Growth
  • Signing Agreements With Service Providers From Target Sectors
  • Starting Testing Digital Strategy Channels For Service Providers & Customers Acquisitions
  • Global Marketing Localisation According To Mvl Startegy
  • Creating And Filling Setcoin Fund For 5-Years Growth
  • Talent Acquisitions In Local Expansions Areas 

2018 Q3

  • Test Launch 
  • Start Testing Setcoin Blockchain
  • Start Testing And Integration Mobile MVP
  • Launch First Release
  • Launch First Marketing Campaigns
  • Starting Getting Firts Service Providers & Customer To Inserviss Platfrom
  • Analizing First Tractions In Platform

2018 Q4

  • Critical Mass | Localization | Expansion
  • Getting Inserviss Critical Mass
  • Starting Inserviss Localization According Mvl For Global Expansion
  • Expand Marketing Campaigns For Getting Global Service Providers & Customers

2019 Q1

  • Global Growth


For more information about Inserviss, you can visit links below:



Username Bitcointalk : Arifandi

Bitcointalk Profile :;u=1566717

ETH Address : 0x8d05B599687942Ed4EC008a95EEAa9565B738924

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