Showing posts with label MediChain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MediChain. Show all posts

Tuesday 30 January 2018

MediChain - Saving Medical Records with Blockchain

Illness and health are two inseparable things. At this time the disease has attacked the healthy person from various paths either from internal person itself or from external such as environment and transmission of disease from others. Two years ago or in 2016, as many as 54.7 million people died worldwide. Of those, nearly three-quarters (72.3 percent) are from non-communicable diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Looking back, for a decade since 2006, an increase of 16 percent or 5.5 million people. The biggest culprit is ischemic heart disease that makes 9.5 million people die, followed by diabetes that causes 1.4 million deaths by 2016, up 31 percent since 2006. The deaths are caused by unexpected things. One of them is a medical record that is less clear and less precise. It is therefore necessary to establish a kind of medical data center for the safe and anonymous patient handling of patients. With the development of advanced technology. We are trying to create a data center through blockchain technology. The data can be accessed using a platform called MediChain. MediChain is a platform that holds Big-Data Medical.


MediChain is a platform that stores data or indexes large amounts of data containing medical records of patients with blockchain technology. So whenever and wherever the patient is examined will be prescribed the drug in accordance with the medical record in the blockchain. After the prescribed medication the patient obtains a reference or "clue" is added to the Ethereal blockchain - a decentralized digital ledger.In addition the medically indexed patient data on medichain will remain safe and anonymous

Any MediChain user either patient or doctor who logs on blockchain with smartcard will gain complete control over their own data but is interconnected between patient and doctor. This can facilitate the safe exchange of medical records protecting sensitive data from hackers, and ensuring patients benefit from sharing information. A custom-built "healthcare blockchain" is a revolutionary step in the medical records industry. 

MediChain Platform

The Medichain Platform will be developed by a great team and on the Ethereal framework with offchain data stored in secure clouds in the appropriate region. In the next stage will be developed a number of medical specialties such as epilepsy and rheumatology and certain diagnostic devices as well as building a data warehouse chain through open access APIs and medical partnerships. Furthermore MediChain will be available publicly through the API and through partners for data acquisition. Data exchange will be developed to allow secure access of anonymous data to be controlled to patient data.

MediChain System

For MedRec, the block content represents the ownership of the data and the access rights of viewers owned by peer-to-peer private network members. Blockchain technology supports the use of "smart contracts", which allow us to automate and track certain country transitions (such as audience rights changes, or births of new records in the system). Through smart contracts on the Ethereal blockchain, we will record the relationship of patient service providers that associate medical records with view permissions and data retrieval instructions (the digest of data pointers) for execution on external databases. Included in the blockchain will be the cryptographic hash of the record to ensure against interference, thus ensuring data integrity. The provider may add new records related to a particular patient, and the patient may authorize sharing of records between service providers. In either case, the party receiving the new information receives an automatic notification to verify the submitted records before accepting or rejecting the data. This allows participants to be informed and involved in the evolution of their recordings.

The MVP prioritizes usability by also offering designated contracts that collect references to all user patient provider relationships, thereby providing a single point of reference for checking medical history updates. In MVP we handle identity confirmation via public key cryptography and implement implementations such as DNS that map existing and widely accepted ID IDs (such as names or social security numbers) to the person's Ethereal address. The synchronization algorithm handles the "off-chain" data exchange between the patient database and the provider's database, after a blockchain reference to confirm permission through our database authentication server.

MediChain Utility Tokens

MediChain Utility Tokens or MCU is the representation or represents the block value of the patient data. MCU Utility Tokens can be purchased through platforms during token sales. The basic rule is that initially, data from each consultation or data piece is arbitrarily rated in the MCU equal to the cost of consulting for buyers in US dollars. Over time this value is adjusted to the availability of tokens, data types, diseases, demographics of the patient and others, to reflect the buyer's market. How to buy MediChain Utility Tokens check this link

Utility Tokens (MCUs) can be used for:

Research Program Voting

MediChain funds and tokens support the creation of research grants particularly aimed at academic institutions, healthcare networks, universities and scientists to gather high-value big data to MediChain (and the research community). MediChain Utility Tokens are used to vote on determining the focus of future research. Voting options are determined by internal and external domain experts.

And to buy:
  • Personal Medical Data Storage and transfer
  • Personal Medical Data Services
  • MCU Discounts
  • Institutional Medical Data Services (including Diagnosis)
  • Research Medical Data Services
  • Example of how data may be sold for tokens

Tokens Allocation

The Utility Tokens for MediChain (MCUs) made available for sale in connection with The Token Generation Event (“TGE​”)  will be allocated as follows:
  • Pre-Sale Maximum 6.5%
  • Public Sale 40%
  • Partner Fund 15%
  • Team & founder Fund 18%
  • Advisors 6.5%
  • Medical Data Fund 10%
  • Bounty 4%

1 MCU has a nominal release value of $1 US. All unsold tokens will be burned.
  • Pre-Sale 6,500,000 MCU

6.5% of MediChain tokens MCU will be distributed at presale. That will be five million sold and one point five million bonus tokens
  • Public Main Sale 40,000,000 MCU

40% of MediChain tokens MCU will be sold through the public sale. Received funds will be used toward the operations of the MediChain for the next five years. This includes development, administration, marketing, financial and legal consultancy, etc. 

Token Holder Benefits

  • Institutional Medical Data Services (including Diagnosis)
  • Medical Research Data Services
  • Any/All additional future business transactions on the MediChain Platform
  • Research Program Voting. Get the chance to determine the focus of future research
  • Personal Medical Data Storage and transfer
  • Personal Medical Data Services
  • MCU Discounts

For more information about MediChain, you can visit links below :


Username Bitcointalk : Arifandi

ETH Address : 0x8d05B599687942Ed4EC008a95EEAa9565B738924

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